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Supporting & Achieving Success as a Team

About Us

This Parent Auxiliary is an adult made group to support the SN Craig Bryan Wibberley-Pathfinders Division & Training Ship Antietam in successful goals that benefit the community and cadets experiences in the program. Things such as fundraising, recruiting, marketing, community relations, and ownership of assets that make the unit operate effectively. 


Run by parents of the cadets in the program, this Auxiliary is overseen by the Unit Commanding Officer and Executive Officer and another adult leader to maintain the purpose and goals for the unit. The Bylaws and Regulations are available for all members to review upon joining. There is a newsletter to inform other parents and the community of our actions and impact on today's youth and tomorrow's leaders with character. 


If you feel you can give back and do not want to join the unit this is a great opportunity to support your cadet and unit with your skills. Please fill out the contact us on our main page to learn how to join.

Meet The Team


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