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We Create Leaders with Character

Our Program provides numerous tangible benefits to its Cadets. Our Cadets and Alumni often cite the feelings of pride, camaraderie, respect, and honor associated with their experience in the Program.

Our benefits put our Cadets ahead of their peers. It's all on what Cadets are able to accomplish with the tools we provide them to succeed. What they put into their success is what they get out of it in the end!
1. Advanced Paygrade Enlistment

  • All Senior/graduating Cadets are eligible for Advanced Paygrade (APG) enlistment as an E-3 in the U.S. Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, National Guard, Air National Guard, and Coast Guard

  • Cadets are NOT obligated or required to join the armed forces.


2. Scholarships

  • For Seniors who wish to pursue a higher education level. 


3. Respect

  • From peers and members of the community as you lead and train as a team.


4. Volunteering Hours

  • Work directly in your community making a difference where it matters.


5. Challenge Yourself

  • Beyond the limits you set for yourself, earning growth and maturity.

  • Stay in shape physically as you meet the goals to pass the PRT 2 times a year and live a healthy life style.


6. Leadership Skills

  • Developed and mentored through the military lifestyle.

  • Cadets lead their peers as they earn the billets at the unit level and staffing trainings.



  • Meet and experience with other peers, mentors with ideals that provide you with once in a lifetime memories and relations from all over the country and even world. 


Learn From The Best

CBW PATHFINDERS Division operates very much like a military reserve unit. We drill on one Saturday and Sunday a month from 0900-1600 at the United States Marine Reserve Facility on Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD. Cadets learn hand-on, professional-grade skills from instructors, veterans, and active and reserve duty military personnel, who are experts in their fields. Often times, our unit is requested to - and participates in - special events, such as parades and military or volunteering events across the Tri-state area. Additionally, we partake in unique field trips encompassing team building skills and/or military knowledge across all services.
Learn, Lead, & Excel!

Like the reserve components, each Cadet can sign up for, and attend a two week or nine day training event, offered both throughout the Summer and during the Winter breaks. Occasionally, additional training may be offered during the spring time (Spring break). ​These training programs are held all over the country; some are close by, while other are as far as Guam! Our International Exchange Program also affords Cadets the opportunity to travel to other countries and experience the cultures they encounter with Cadets in similar programs there.

​Below, you can see some of the fantastic training opportunities our Cadets have to choose from. If any of these courses are of interest to you, don't hesitate to contact us - we're happy to help you embark on your journey towards excellence!


  • U.S. Navy / U.S. Coast Guard Shipboard Operations

  • Special Operations: SEAL/EOD/SWCC/Winter Survival​

  • Leadership Development

  • Basic / Advanced Medical

  • Field Operations / Urban Counter Insurgency / Tactical Medicine

  • Aviation / FAA Ground School

  • Construction / U.S. Navy Seabee Field Operations

  • Basic / Advanced SCUBA Dive Certification

  • Mass Communications/Photojournalism

  • STEM/Seaperch/Robotics/Cyber Patriot

  • Master-At-Arms/Police/Public Safety

  • Firefighter School

  • Marksmanship

  • Submarine School

  • Food Service / Culinary Arts

  • Honor/Ceremonial Guard

  • International Exchange Programs

  • Music/Band

  • Winter Survival

  • Culinary

  • Coast Guard Operations

  • ​



Help Us, and We Help You!

Recruit 3 members into USNSCC and earn a FREE summer or winter break training! These can be adults or cadets in our unit or across the nation for credit!


Safety is our top priority. All of our volunteers must undergo a background check before becoming a member of our officer corps, and must take additional training during their time in the program. Cadets are under adult supervision during all training events and USNSCC events. 


Time Commitment
USNSCC should not interfere with a Cadet's schoolwork. Units typically meet on a monthly basis during the school year. Normally, training away from home is conducted only during school vacation periods. You may actually find that your child takes a more serious approach to their schoolwork due to the discipline and emphasis on excellence that this program instills in its Cadets. Cadets are also required to be full-time students to enroll in the program.


We strongly believe in the positive impact that our program has on our nation, our sea services, and our youth. It is important to us that we are accessible to anyone who wants to join us regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, socio-economic, geographic background, or physical disability. We are Title IX and ADA-compliant. Promoting a culture of inclusion across our diverse Cadet Corps is something we take very seriously, and we have a zero tolerance policy for hazing and bullying.

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